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Software Engineering

How to migrate system?
6 min read

Category: Software Engineering

How Do You Migrate Systems?

Well-prepared system migrations can go smoothly and exactly as planned, or just the opposite, they can go sideways. They can take minutes, or they may drag on for hours or even days. In the worst case, everybody involved is unhappy and the system is frozen.

Progressive Web Application
6 min read

Category: Software Engineering

Are You Ready for a Progressive Web Application (PWA)?

Progressive web applications (PWA) have really changed the way we use the Internet today. Push notifications, offline websites and extremely fast load times are just a few most important benefits of progressive web applications, which users appreciate the most.

how to prepare design for web development
4 min read

Category: Software Engineering

12 Tips on how to prepare your design for web development

Admit it or not, we simply judge things based on their look. And that goes for websites design too. If you make them look and function well, as designers and developers try to do, people are going to trust the content more. That’s how things are.

responsive web design
7 min read

Category: Software Engineering

What is responsive web design?

For some years now, smartphones and tablets have been conquering the market and gaining great popularity. Mobile devices are now not only used to communicate with other users, as was the case a few years ago, but they are a necessary tool used every day for shopping, paying bills, surfing the web, etc. Therefore, responsive […]