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how to prepare design for web development
4 min read

Category: Software Engineering

12 Tips on how to prepare your design for web development

Admit it or not, we simply judge things based on their look. And that goes for websites design too. If you make them look and function well, as designers and developers try to do, people are going to trust the content more. That’s how things are.

responsive web design
7 min read

Category: Software Engineering

What is responsive web design?

For some years now, smartphones and tablets have been conquering the market and gaining great popularity. Mobile devices are now not only used to communicate with other users, as was the case a few years ago, but they are a necessary tool used every day for shopping, paying bills, surfing the web, etc. Therefore, responsive […]

Why TypeScript
2 min read

Category: Software Engineering

Why TypeScript?

Node JS is great for api development, we have used it for ages. We also have great web frameworks like express and koa, nice orms like sequelize, bookshelf, objection and mongoos, and we have a lot of other libraries and plugins that we love to use.

2 min read

Category: Software Engineering

Code Reviews – Putting the “Team” in Teamwork

The quality of the code defines the final effect of the completed project for the client. Regardless of the complexity of the project, software development can be divided into specific pieces of functionality, which ultimately make up the whole – business effect recommended by the client: online store, website, order management platform, game creation system, application …