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Software development quality testing
3 min read

Category: Business Insights

Quality means money – learn how to decrease development costs

Quality costs. Money, time, and resources. So why do we even bother? Because Quality is a metric that verifies if we are delivering the specified product and validating that it will satisfy users. How? Based on the testing process. Testers are the only ones that can provide you with precise info about the app.

2 min read

Category: Software Engineering

Code Reviews – Putting the “Team” in Teamwork

The quality of the code defines the final effect of the completed project for the client. Regardless of the complexity of the project, software development can be divided into specific pieces of functionality, which ultimately make up the whole – business effect recommended by the client: online store, website, order management platform, game creation system, application …

automating testing
3 min read

Category: Software Engineering

Automatic Testing

Creating automated tests is a very important element of the software development process. This approach to creating tests utilizes TDD and BDD methodologies