White Label Coders  /  Case studies  /  Meteoalert


Short description

A Smart City solution for local authorities: IoT platform for managing a network of distributed environmental sensors enhancing environmental monitoring.

Time Period

Project Hours: 2387

Main technology
city weather sensors


A web application for collecting and visualizing data from weather stations, storm radars, and water level sensors. Additionally, it has a weather hazard and air pollution notification system, managed by a local administrator (client).

weather sensors


We are proud of integrating the system with devices produced by multiple vendors. We created a parser that is a piece of the program responsible for reading data in different formats and saving it to the one central database. It allowed us to easily create connectors for new types of sensor equipment.


The system draws data from all available weather stations in Poland (directly from the devices or from other publicly available APIs). The application is available only to customers who have an account in the system (typically public institutions).
They get access to:
– readings from their sensors
– alerts from these sensors (when they exceed the alarming values)
– a system for notifying about possible threats to residents through the PWA application (to be launched in the nearest future)

MeteoAlert App
Meteoalert map
logo meteoalert


Meteoalert helps local authorities to take care of air quality and communication with the locals.

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Woman in a mask